The Realineituhedron

Inspired by the deep insights revealed in the recent work around the Amplituhedron, a new and deeper mathematical principle has revealed itself. While the amplituhedron caused quite a buzz even outside of the world of theoretical particle physics, thus far it is restricted to \(\mathcal{N}=4\) supersymmetry. In contrast …

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Migrating To Pelican

So, I'm taking the leap and migrating from Wordpress to pelican. Less than year ago I switched to Wordpress from an ancient Zope site and was happy to have something that worked easily. I was very busy at the time and I guess I felt old and didn't want to …

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Bicep2 and Software Carpentry

This week NYU hosted a Software Carpentry Bootcamp along with Berkeley and U. Washington (the other institutes in the Moore-Sloan data science environment). I sat in on the python classes (there were also classes in R). However, on Monday, there was a huge announcement from the BICEP2 collaboration about the …

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