I like murmurations!
Bernard Chazelle proved that if each bird adjusts its velocity and position to the other birds within a fixed radius, the time it takes to converge to a steady state tends to infinity as the number of birds increases. pic.twitter.com/Wq9iruUefl
— Fermat's Library (@fermatslibrary) April 25, 2019
When I was at the Institute for Advanced Study in fall 2018, I was sitting outside and started thinking about modeling them. Since I've been thinking about Gaussian Processes a lot, I thought that might not be a bad model. I should write more about it, but below is a picture of the location and some playful code and results.
Spending my first day of the semester at @the_IAS. pic.twitter.com/D30lLNejMN
— Kyle Cranmer (@KyleCranmer) September 5, 2018
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